
Transfer training logs from GARMIN™ Connect / Polar™  Personaltrainer to SUUNTO™  Movescount

With MXActivityMover it's possible to transfer your training logs from GARMIN Connect / POLAR Personaltrainer (other platforms will follow)
  • Transfer training logs from GARMIN Connect™ to SUUNTO Movescount
  • Transfer training logs from POLAR Personaltrainer™ to SUUNTO Movescount
  • Upload training log files (GARMIN™) to SUUNTO Movescount

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You need at least latest JAVA8 version to run the app!!!


The app is based on the Garmin™ Webservice API which is by now still beta, as I have no influence on the development of those services, I can’t guarantee that this service works forever, but I’ll try my best to find other interfaces so far they exist. For this case MXActivtyMover will not work if Garmin™ stop their public services!
This is also the same for the Polar Personaltrainer API, transfering the data works with a workaround and not through an official API!!!

79 Kommentare:

  1. Very good, at least with tcx files from garmin to suunto. With garmin activity ID not so good.
    thanks thanks thanks thanks
    where can I find more about mxactivitymover?
    marco, portugal

  2. error sending move!!!
    tcx nor garmin would work
    Please help!

    1. can you send me you tcx admin(at) so I can check the problems?

    2. Hi please send me an email:, and I don't really know what you want me to send you, the tcx file?


    3. It's working just great now, thanks for the app!

    4. Hello dayucheun, I have the same problem.... How did you fix it?

    5. I can't import from Garmin Connect to Movescount. All credentials are saved. Internal Server Error its the message.

  3. Tried it out today, worked out perfectly! Thank you very much

  4. Markus, you're great!
    In a couple of hours, I moved all my Garmin records to Movescount!
    I didn't find the paying version, I was able to multi transfer with the free version downloaded by the link above, but I would to make a donate for you, because you did a great tool!
    Let me know if I can make a donation to you!
    Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Unknown,

      glad it worked for you :-)
      You can donate with PayPal reich.markus(at)

      kind regards

    2. Hello Markus,
      excuse me, I didn't sign my post!

      My name is Max, I've just done a donation for you.
      Just some beers, but thank you again for your MXActivity!
      Cheers! ;-)

  5. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  6. Hi Markus,

    I've got error message "Target host is null". Can you please help me out, what I suppose to do

    Thank you so much

  7. Hi Markus,

    I've the message "Error loading Activity".

    Can you please help me out, what I suppose to do.

    Thank you so much

  8. Hi Markus,

    I get status="error" Message="forbidden".
    Do you know what kind of problem here occurs.
    * I already checked my credentials from garmin and movescount.

    Thank you

  9. Error 401!
    What is wrong? My Suunto battery went empty, so I use the parallel recorded track from my iPhone App "Outdooractive", exported it to gpx, converted it with "RouteConverter" to tcx and then use your programm. Do I nned an special header in the file??

  10. When I try to send my GC files
    Using "Activity ID" I get the error message

    "Erro Loading Activuty -
    Last unit dos not having enough valid bits "

    What does it mean and how do I fix it?

  11. Hallo Meex
    Ich bekomme immer die folgende Fehlermeldung:
    Error loading Activity
    Target host is null

    Was heisst das für mich? Und was kann ich dagegen tun?
    Vielen Dank für deine Antwort

  12. Works awesome! I felt bad buying a Fexix5X and abandoning all my friend on the Movecount groups. Thank you! One this that's a little odd though. If I transfer a tcx file, everything is spot on. If I use the Garmin Connect activity ID, my total time is reduced by like 20%. Weird. Maybe it's totaling time from different

  13. Hi there ! Where do you actually install the app ? In android or iphone ? or mac or windows ?

  14. Hi
    I can't import activities from Garmin since a week ago, is there any problem with Garmin Connect? I just got "Error loading Activity" message.

    1. Hi please download latest version 1.02 which fixes the new Garmin logon procedure

    2. Thanks, I tried the "Check for updates" feature but maybe it is not in use.

  15. I can't save my Garmin settings to MxActivity

    1. is fixed, please load again version 1.02

    2. Hallo Markus, habe dies Version 1.02 aber auch den gleiche Fehlermeldung, error loading activities intenal server error

    3. Bitte installiere auch die neueste Version

  16. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  17. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  18. Cannot find a link to pay for the full version for syncing multiple activities from Garmin to Movescount. How do I get you money?

  19. Error sending move!
    Please help :(

  20. Hello, in versión 1.02 the same error sending movie. Can you help me? Thanks!

  21. Hi,

    This is an excellent app! However, there seems to be a small weird feature when I transfer my old (from year 2012) activities from Garmin Connect to Movescount. "BAR CHART AND CURVE" graph shows wrong heart rate zones at Movescount after import. It uses the zones: -107, 107-124, 125-141, 142-159, 160- which are/were not my correct zones.

    Any idea if it's possible to get the zones right?

    Best regards,

  22. Hi Markus,
    first, congratulations for your very usefull apps! It allows me to get in touch with Movescount community.

    I had an error while moving from Garmin to Movescount.
    It seems that integer have reached max limit on 32 bit java and Garmin IDs for moves are now greather than +2,147,483,647. For example, my personnal move id is greather than 2150271107. Option can be to use long data type.
    Let's wait the next release.
    Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi, which version of MXAM are you using?

    2. Hi Markus, it's 1.02 version. I have launched check for updates and I'm running the last version.

    3. The full error message is: "java.lang.NumberFormatException: Expected an int but was 2150271107 at line 1 column 25 path $.activityId".

      Hope it'll help you.

  23. Hi Markus.
    It seems that the current version of MXAM doesn't work properly with ten digit Activity ID. I tried with this "2165930572", corresponding to my last activity recorded using a Garmin GPS, and I got the message "Please enter a valid Acitvity ID".
    Can you help, please?
    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hi, which version of MXAM are you using?

    2. I'm using MXActivityMover 1.02 with Java 8 Update 151 (build 1.8.0_151-b12).

      I checked MXAM with nine digit Activity IDs and it works properly. It's only with the 10 dogit IDs that it seems to have problems.

      Please let me know.
      Thanks in advance:


    3. Hi,

      can you sent me an example activity I can try? admin(at)

  24. Here you have a ID that doesn't work: 2202350421

    I tried entering 1234567890 and there is an activity that has been loaded by MXAM. Maybe it's not a problem related to ten digit IDs, but something else...

  25. Buenas y perdón por las molestias.
    Pero no me funciona el pasar archivos de Garmin a movescount, y si lo intento hacer con los ficheros TCX ni si quiera se me abre la opción de buscar los archivos.

  26. Please download latest version 1.04
    The problem with the long ids should be solved!

  27. Ciao Markus.

    Just to provide you an early feed-back: the new version 1.04 seems to work properly with those IDs that the previous versione wasn't able to manage.
    Thanks again for your prompt support,


    P.S.: Maybe a distribution list could help to send email advice when a new version has been relaesed.

  28. I've been using 1.04 for many months with no problems. In the past 2-3 weeks however it has stopped working at all. Every time I attempt a transfer I get Error in the Status column and in the Message column it says HTTP status: [401] - "User has rejected the userkey"
    Is there a fix or workaround? Thank you. Tom Proulx

  29. Hello, can you please confirm if it's still working with polar flow. I keep getting an error when I try and Load my training. Appreciate your help

  30. Hi Markus,
    unfortunately, it does not work. I got the following message when trying to upload a TCX file:
    „For given appkey+userkey no safe userkey were found“.
    Could you please help how to fix this?
    thanks a lot!

  31. Ciao Markus.

    First of all, thanks a lot for your constant effort providing all of us with an effective tool to transfer our acitvities from one producer format to another!

    For sure you've noticed the recently released feature for the Garmin environment: the possibility to add photos to an activity. This (aprtially) fills the gap with the Suunto Movescount environment, that has this kind of feature since several years.
    This is not a request, but just an idea I'd like to share with you: what if MXAM would provide a feature to transfer activity data, INCLUDING photos, from the a Garmin activity to the newly created Suunto move?
    Thanks in advance,


  32. Hi Markus,

    Thanks for developing this - but I'm getting the Forbidden message? I notice that the API from Garmin link above throws out a 404 error - and the only info on the Garmin API i can find now mentions there's a $5,000 fee to access it and wondering if that's why this isn't working? Putting the API out of reach of independent and volunteer devs like yourself - that would be an underhand move by Garmin, for sure!

    If not - i'll persevere with it (tried the suggestions in the FAQ) as i really need all my activities in one place but not enough to export them individually!


  33. Hi Markus,
    kann es sein, dass Garmin die API jetzt komplett geschlossen hat? Bei mir funktioniert nun das Laden der Garmin-Moves nicht mehr. Fehlermeldung: forbidden :(

    Sportliche Grüße

  34. Hello Markus,

    Since the update 9.60 of my Forerunner 920XT, I can no longer convert my GARMIN activities into SUNNTO.
    The message is: Error sending Move HTTP status 401: "For given appkey + userkey no safe userkey were found"
    My JAVA application is up to date and MXActivityMover 1.04.

    In sporting terms,
    Pascal Jean

  35. Hi Markus!

    I have problem with MXActivityMover. When I try to upload the move from Garmin to Movescount, I get this message:

    "Error sending Move

    Connect to [] failed: Connection refused: connect"

    What can I do here?

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Solved it. Apparently firewall was the issue. Managed to upload moves from other network...

  36. Hi Markus!
    I'm using MXActivityMover 1.04, but when I try to upload tcx file (from Garmin) and send to Movescount, I get this message:

    http status:[401] - for given appkey + userkey no safe userkey werw found

    Could you please help how to fix this?

    I want to move Gamin activities to Movescount.

    Thanks a lot


    1. Hi Rita,

      I'm also trying to do an import, but nothing happens.. Did you got some advice from Markus how to solve it?

      Thanks in advance,

  37. Thanks a lot about your app. Just one question : i use it to up my virtual ride from zwift or bkool. 2 of them make error 400 cause of [invalid MaxSpeed : valid rand is 0,556 mVs].

    Sometimes in virtual ride, data can be a little mad. Could u correct the apps or remove totally this data ?

  38. I cant export moves from Garmin til Movescount, got a Forbidden message. I have correct account details and it has work recently. I think Garmin has made any changes to their site again as it was down for maintenance just shortly before it stopps work.

  39. Hi Markus,
    unfortunately since about a month I have a problem with loading activities from Garmin to Suunto using MXAM 1.04 - every time I trying, I receive a message "Error loading activity". Do you know anything about it, is there any solution?

  40. Ciao Markus.

    First of all, thanks a lot for your constant effort providing all of us with an effective tool to transfer our activities from one producer format to another!

    Unfortunately I've been experiencing some problems, apparently like Karolina Malamis stated in her message. In fact I got the same message when I try to load Garmin activity to MXAM. Can you help me/us, please?

    Thanks in advance,


  41. Hi Markus, could you please send us a link to the full version? Depending on the price, I'm happy to purchase it as I have a number of activities to transfer from Garmin to Suunto. Thanks!

  42. Hi Markus,

    I cant move all my activitys from Garmin to Movescount, i get an error Forbidden.

    I cant find where i can buy you software so i can transfer all my activitys if that is the case.

    Please advise

  43. Bekomme leider auch ur die Antwort Forbidden, und kann so leider keine Aktivitäten übertragen. Sehr schade, vor allem das die App ja weiterhin auf Suunto als Lösung angepriesen wird. Von daher wäre eine Antwort sehr schön!

  44. No one is responding to these posts. I found a fix:
    You set it up once to import from your Garmin account and export to your Movescount account, and it just works. I couldn't get it to get historical data but once it's set up all new Garmin activity gets uploaded to Movescount.

  45. At Thomas,
    i tired Fitnesssyncer, but it doesnt work with kilometers, you can only choose miles or meters as distance, i can import all my activities, but without the distance and many other parameters

  46. Peter, Hmmm. You should send the company an email

    I think they are a small company and will be responsive. Good luck.

  47. Many thanks!!!
    I transferred all my moves from Strava to movescount.
    Tip: If you need Strava to export a tcx file just add "/export_tcx" (without quotation marks) to the url in any activity and it exports the file you can use in MXActivitymover.

  48. Hi Marcus,

    Paid version is requested in order to have a possibility so import/export multiple moves.

  49. Hi Markus,

    ich bekomme leider folgenden Fehler: Error loading Activities - Bad Request.
    Hintergrund-Info: Ich versuche von Garmin nach Movescount zu übertragen per "Multiple" Funktion. Kannst du das Problem nachstellen, oder brauchst du nähere Informationen von mir?

    Danke, lG

  50. Hi Markus,
    I can't transfer my Garmin data to my new Movescount :(
    Can you help please?!
    Thanks, Mike

  51. Do not buy!!! It works for a while, then have to update. Cannot update via program. You have to e-mail the developer. It takes weeks to months before you get a usefull answer. Use fitnesssyncer instead!!

  52. Hi Markus,
    funktioniert die .jar Datei auf Windows10 mit 64bit?
    Danke, Michael

  53. Hi. I can´t move all my trainings from Polar Personal Training to Movescount.

    Do I need a paid version so I can transfer all the exercises at once and what does the paid version cost? Where does it get?

    Regards Jarmo Katajisto

  54. Hi there! How much is the full version? And how can it be payed?
